Commercial Auto: Is Aftermarket Covered?
Applying a vehicle wrap to your security guard patrol vehicle is a great way to promote your business and brand…
GuardPro InsuranceXMOD: How Do I Fix & Control It?
As discussed in our post “XMODs: What Is It & How Does It Effect Me?”, XMOD rating can have a…
GuardPro InsuranceXMOD: What Is It & How Does It Effect Me?
An XMOD is a rating system which determines what you will pay for your Workers Compensation. Depending on your state,…
GuardPro InsuranceEnd of Policy Audits, How Do They Affect You?
As a security guard company, your contracts are constantly changing. Gaining and losing contracts, getting more hours or losing hours.…
GuardPro InsuranceInsurance Markets & Appetites Pt. 2
Continuing from my post from last week, I wanted to talk more about Insurance Carriers and the lines of coverage…
GuardPro InsuranceInsurance Markets & Appetites
In the insurance world, not every Carrier will want to write coverage and insure every type of business. This is…
GuardPro InsuranceMultiple Brokers and “Shopping Insurance”
We receive countless calls on a weekly basis from guard companies telling us they are “Shopping their insurance” to multiple…
GuardPro InsuranceApril 2019 Update
The month of April typically sees a large number of insurance renewals. This April was no exception! Below is a…
GuardPro InsuranceFebruary 2019 Update
We had an outstanding start to 2019 with our month in review for January, but want to always keep the…
GuardPro InsuranceJanuary 2019 Update
January is often a tough month to come into after the holidays, but we strive to hit the ground running…
GuardPro Insurance