Typical Cost for General Liability Insurance for New Start Up Security Guard Company

Typical Cost for General Liability Insurance for New Start Up Security Guard Company
September 3, 2013 cmount

This is the question I am asked most often. What is the cost of general liability insurance for a new start up security guard company? For the large percentage of start up security guard services the minimum premium will be between $2,500 and $4,000. The range depends on experience of owners, plans to use armed or unarmed guards, types of contracts you plan to obtain once insurance is placed. The deposit to bind this coverage ranges from $1,300 to $1,800 and the remaining premium can be financed and paid in 10 installments. More importantly, this policy you obtain for the premium is specifically designed to protect security guard companys. The policys include Assualt & Battery, Errors and Ommissions, Firearms Coverage, Care, Custody and Control, Punitive Damages, etc.  To obtain a quote I need:

  • Completed Supplemental Application.
  • Copy of Standard Contract (If you don’t have one yet, I can email you a sample contract for your review)
  • Resume of Principles detailing experience in law enforcement/security industry.

Once I have this information I can usually obtain a quote for you in 24 to 72 hours.

As always, feel free to contact me directly to discuss your insurance needs.


Craig Mount
Direct Phone 949-421-3524