Workers Compensation Checklist for your Security Guard Company

Workers Compensation Checklist for your Security Guard Company
June 14, 2012 cmount

Tired of your workers compensation claims not being handled correctly, if they are being handled at all? It’s time hire an agency that has a team in place that can produce actual results to help you comply, prevent, manage and control your workers compensation exposures. Below is the list of services we can provide to help you significantly manage your workers compensation.

Internal Claims Management

    • Are managers/supervisors trained on reporting procedures?
  • Is someone responsible for filing DWC-1’s & 5020 reports with insurer?
  • Does someone conduct internal written accident investigations?
  • Is a “First Aid Program” in effect?
  • Does someone periodically follow up with injured employees?
  • Is modified/alternative work available?
  • Has a medical facility been screened & selected for all locations?

Insurer Claims Management

  • Do you know your claims examiner/claims contact?
  • Are claims reporting procedures clearly defined?
  • Is your employee contacted promptly after an injury?
  • Are written claims status reports received on regular basis?
  • Is an Early Return to Work program in place?
  • Are you treated as a “Partner” in the claims process?
  • Do you know how a suspected fraud case is handles?
  • Do you have access to electronic claims information online?

Loss Control/Loss Prevention

  • Is there an employee primarily responsible for safety?
  • Is a safety incentive program in place?
  • Are employees formally trained?
  • Is the employee trained documented?
  • Are loss control visits conducted by your insurer?
  • Are loss control visits specific to identified needs?
  • Have loss control visits added value to your safety program?
  • Has a safety checklist been developed?
  • Are regular, internal, safety inspections preformed?
  • Are the inspections documented?
  • Are industrial hygiene services available from your carrier?
  • Does your company have safety committee?


  • Is an OSHA log maintained?
  • Is a written safety program in place per SB198?
  • Is the safety plan customized to your operations?
  • Is the safety plan being complied with?
  • Are MSDS sheets maintained and available?

We are able to offer these services to our clients, allowing us to parnter with our insured’s keeping the cost of insurance premiums down.